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Re: [tor-relays] Raspberry Pi + Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) + bind errors

On a Pi 3 the official packages seem to work, so you can simply follow the instructions on the Tor website:

Use "Option two" and ignore the "Raspbian is not Debian" paragraph.

Best regards,

PGP Key: https://dietrich.cx/pgp | 0x52FA4EE1722D54EB

On 2017-01-06 06:37, Petrusko wrote:

Tor from Raspbian Repo is not very updated... v0.2.5...
On a RPi, I usually build Tor Stable from source. No problem about using ports >1024 in my case.

* Some dependencies required... (sorry, I don't remember which ones...)

* Add source repo in your /etc/apt/sources.list
At the bottom of the file :
#TOR stable - pour building from source
deb-src http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org jessie main

* Compil Tor from source with a script, in my home folder (for example):
nano tor-compil.sh
I use "root" user.
# init
function pause(){
   read -p "$*"
mkdir ~/debian-packages
cd ~/debian-packages
rm * -R
apt-get source tor
cd tor-*
debuild -rfakeroot -uc -us
cd ..
pause 'Press [Enter] key to continue... Installation TOR'
dpkg -i tor_*.deb tor-*.deb

exit 0

Then chmod +x tor-compil.sh
Hope it will help!

Le 06/01/2017 à 03:38, Kurt Besig a écrit :
I just installed tor on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and can't get a relay
to start unless I sudo. When I attempt to start tor as a non-privileged
user I get a permissions error: Opening Jan 05 18:33:35.929 [notice]
Opening OR listener on
Jan 05 18:33:35.930 [warn] Could not bind to Permission denied
Jan 05 18:33:35.930 [notice] Opening Directory listener on
Jan 05 18:33:35.930 [warn] Could not bind to Permission denied
 Ideas on best method to bind these ports to tor on startup as non-root?

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