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Re: [tor-relays] General overload -> DNS timeouts

Hey all, I wanted to chime in on this thread because I'm suddenly seeing DNS "Overload" errors (and corresponding notices that my system is overloaded on prometheus) lately as well.

The hardware and OS and configs for my public exit haven't changed - what has changed is that I upgraded tor itself, and added ipv6.

I suspect a decent amount of my DNS failures are actually lookups for AAAA records that don't exist, because my exit supports v6 but the destination site doesn't, or only half-configured it.

The system itself is definitely NOT overloaded.  ( load averages: 0.07, 0.23, 0.24 )

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 2:03 AM nusenu <nusenu-lists@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Georg Koppen:
> Well, not all potential overload is DNS related overload. There are a
> bunch of different criteria for emitting a general overload warning.
> Onionoo and this relay search have a hard time differentiating
> between DNS related (general) overload and other (general) overload.
> Thus, I don't think this change is easily to make.

To have the DNS trigger included in a shared trigger info
was a deliberate design decision as I understood it.

In my opinion it is better to remove this notice from Relay Search
for all affected versions, even if it will also remove the warning in
cases where the trigger was not DNS related, because
it potentially causes alarm fatique and operators will continue
to ignore the banner even after it got improved.

> I think the best option here is to upgrade swiftly to

That is not easy for all of the operators that use the Torproject's Debian repos
since these versions are usually not "swiftly" available on deb.torproject.org yet
(unless you switch to nightly packages which I wouldn't recommend).
currently: Version: [1]

kind regards,

[1] https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/Packages

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