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[tor-relays] PSA: Tor 0.4.5 reaches end of life (EOL) on 2023-02-15


In case it affects you as you are still running your relay or bridge on Tor 0.4.5.x: the 0.4.5 series is going EOL on *2023-02-15* (roughly in 3 weeks from now).

That's currently still 760 relays, which means roughly 7% of the advertised bandwidth of the network (and 387 bridges, which means roughly 9% of the advertised bridges bandwidth).

Please make sure you have upgraded to the 0.4.7.x series by then.

Supported releases in general can be found on the network team wiki.[1]


[1] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/team/-/wikis/NetworkTeam/CoreTorReleases

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