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Re: [tor-relays] Call for discussion: turning funding into more exit relays


On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Mike Perry <mikeperry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thus spake kupo@xxxxxxxxxx (kupo@xxxxxxxxxx):

> Hey all,
> Have you contemplated sending this over to the hackerspaces list?

There exists THE list for hackerspaces? Well hot damn. Are these them:

Yeah, that's the one :-)
Is there a specific sub-list we should focus on? Announce? Discuss?

Probably the main list, possibly discuss. 

Also, how do we recognize reputable Hackerspaces from "Sketchy bunch of
d00dz who think it will be totally awesome fun to pwn a bunch of Tor
users?" Should we check for previous reliable Tor relays from them?
Should we just not care?

It's funny this comes up now :) I know for a fact that most Dutch hackerspaces either run a tor node, or have a member running a Tor node. Their motives have never been questioned, so why start now :)

In most countries there is a foundation covering multiple hackerspaces, these are usually where you'd want to start. If you need some more contacts in the Benelux and UK area, I can lend a hand.
Simple guidelines to happiness:
Work like you don't need the money,
Love like your heart has never been broken and
Dance like no one can see you.
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