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Re: [tor-relays] Call for discussion: turning funding into more exit relays

On 30.07.2012 12:57, Andreas Fink wrote:
>> 109 Euro for Gbit in Romania (Voxility/Limehost)
>> $400 each for Gbit in Budapest and USA (Axigy)*
>> 300 Euro for 200 Mbps in Sweden
>> 375 Euro for 200TB (~800 Mbps) in Netherlands (NForce)
> You have to well differentiate here if you get shared traffic or dedicated one.

I don't know how they do it, but we get 600-800 Mbps constantly since
properly configuring the nodes at Limehost. Axigy provides dedicated
Gbit at that price to us as sponsorship - same for NForce (actually
their deal is 2x100TB outbound, inbound free).

> In othe rwords if you pay 109€ for 1GBit you are unlikely able  fill that gigabit 95% of the time. 

See http://voxility1.torservers.net/vnstat_d.png
and http://voxility1.torservers.net/vnstat.png (pretty constant daily

> In international wholesale, prices per megabit range from 1€ - 50€ depending 
> on location.

That's why we go with ISPs who do a mixed calculation. Say, one in ten
customers uses the full Gbit.

Moritz Bartl
tor-relays mailing list