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[tor-relays] tor daemon problem with obfsproxy

Hi All,

I install and configure tor to set up a obfs3 bridge.
If I use command "tor", everything is fine and clients could connect to server buf if I use "service tor start", the connection will be refused.
I checked the log file. the problem is:

[warn] The communication stream of managed proxy '/usr/bin/obfsproxy' is 'closed'. Most probably the managed proxy stopped running. This might be a bug of the managed proxy, a bug of Tor, or a misconfiguration. Please enable logging on your managed proxy and check the logs for errors.
Jul 31 20:55:56.000 [notice] Failed to terminate process with PID '28836' ('No such process').

the question is why "tor" command could run the obfsproxy but "service tor start"could not.

I change the permission of "obfsproxy" from "root" to "debian-tor" but it did not solve the problem.

Best Regards
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