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Re: [tor-relays] Call for setting up new obfs4 bridges

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 12:22:29PM -0700, Philipp Winter wrote:
> We therefore want to encourage volunteers to set up new obfs4 bridges to
> help censored users.  Over the last few weeks, we have been improving
> our obfs4 setup guide which walks you through the process:
> <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/PluggableTransports/obfs4proxy>

We created a docker image for those who prefer containers over manual
installation.  First, fetch the docker image:

  docker pull phwinter/obfs4-bridge:0.1

Now, you have two options to start the container:

1. You can use the following script to run the container:
   It automatically finds an OR port and obfs4 port for you.

2. If you would rather provide your own ports, run the following command:

     OR_PORT=XXX PT_PORT=YYY EMAIL=admin@xxxxxxxxxxx; \
     docker run -d \
       -e "OR_PORT=$OR_PORT" -e "PT_PORT=$PT_PORT" -e "EMAIL=$EMAIL" \
       -p "$OR_PORT":"$OR_PORT" -p "$PT_PORT":"$PT_PORT" \

   Replace XXX with your OR port, YYY with your obfs4 port, and
   admin@xxxxxxxxxxx with your email address. Don't forget the semicolon
   after the enrivonment variables.

Your container should now be bootstrapping your new obfs4 Tor bridge.

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