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[tor-relays] Question about Tor updates

Hello Tor people,
I have several Tor relays in a developing country so I suspect their VPS and network expertise may be developing as well.  When I update my ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa) I get the following message:  
Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 'https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org focal InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'
Everything else updates fine.  The cpus are AMD Ryzen 5 6-core.  I see cpus as 32-bit and 64-bit.  The installation has been working for over 1-year.  Did I install the wrong Tor?  (It's  Is there a soft/hardware conflict?  

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