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Re: [tor-relays] Is my tor exit relay set up correctly?
I would like to see that become the standard for checking newboys's relays.
It makes a lot of sense to collect the whole set of data and save tentative questions and possibly wrong answers on this list (by well meaning people nonetheless).
No one knows what security weaknesses exist by accident or omission.
This would be a good way to do it thoroughly.
> Please copy / paste your torrc file to a paste bin and send us the link
> please copy / paste your tor log file to a pastebin and send us the link
> please type ifconfig, pastebin the output and send us the link
> please let us know as much as you can about your current configuration
> so we may identify the problem
> please let us know what tor version are you using and how did you
> install it (from deian repositories, tor repo, compiled source-code, etc)
> So we may help you in a professional manner.
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