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[tor-relays] Updated: Running Tor When OS X Boots

I've recently updated the OS X launchd instructions for OS X Yosemite:


They were starting to show their age - they were originally written in 2011, and were based on Vidalia, tor 0.2.2, and OS X 10.6 or 10.7.

If you're running Tor on OS X, please try these instructions, fix any mistakes, and add missing steps. In particular, we've moved away from Vidalia to nyx (arm), so the nyx sections could do with some more detail.


teor2345 at gmail dot com
pgp 0xABFED1AC

teor at blah dot im
OTR D5BE4EC2 255D7585 F3874930 DB130265 7C9EBBC7

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