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Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: [Site5 #TZZN-12908]: DMCA Complaint: mybox.ganton.ca

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 7:46 PM, Bruce Ganton <bganton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Any advice on how to handle the following??

Meta advice...

1) Don't send HTML email... not everyone can read it, and few
like the exploits.
2) Don't include sensitive info like case numbers, timestamps,
IP addresses, usernames and passwords in your email... everyone
can read it, and some like exploiting it.

Anyway, worst case if the template response cc your hoster (and exit
policy update if need be if they don't like that) don't work is you'll have
to move the relay. Nobody's going to chase you after you glomar them
with the template.

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