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[tor-relays] geo-diversity vs. latency

> A relay running in South America could do more bad than good, as it
> would increase the average latency

I was also thinking about that.
"Does improving geo-diversity negatively affect latency?"

and I agree with you that the example (more relays in South America)
would probably increase avg. latency for European users but at the
same time has a change to decrease latency for e.g. Brazilian users.

So in the end the question is where are most of your users? And what
is your optimization goal/what is your priority? (a low worst-case
latency for all users or a low latency for most of the users)

I would still prefer having more relays in uncommon locations even if
that comes with an (acceptable) latency penalty. Whatever 'acceptable' is.

Since the question "How does a good relay look like and where is it
located?" is a non-trivial one
and because Roaster is effectively codifying the (Torproject's?)
answer to it I'm also interested in the outcome from this point of view.

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