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Re: [tor-relays] Questions about relays on IPv6


On 19 Jun 2019, at 05:56, tschador@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

I have enabled IPv6 on my Relay [1] and setup a new one [2].
Both got the additional Flag 'ReachableIPv6' - fine.

In the 'IPv6 HOWTO' [3] I found:

"Since clients only use the ORPort (because it's more anonymous2), and
relays only use IPv4, there is no reason to configure an IPv6 DirPort -
if you do, it will never be used."

Hmm - 'relays only use IPv4' seems to be true. Until now I can see only
incoming connections from the authorities; no other IPv6 and no outgoing
IPv6 connection while on [1] there are over 6800 und on [2] over 4800
IPv4 connections!

So I wonder: Does it make sense to setup IPv6 non-exit relays when IPv6
is not used? Or must I wait patiently - how long?

If your relay becomes a Guard, a small number of clients will use its IPv6

We want to use IPv6 more in tor, but we have to write the code to do it,
and work out if it has any anonymity issues.

I updated the wiki page so it is clearer:


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