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Re: [tor-relays] Authority Nodes

Am Mo., 22. Juni 2020 um 22:28 Uhr schrieb nusenu <nusenu-lists@xxxxxxxxxx>:
I would assume that operators running relays in an end-to-end correlation
position [1] due to incomplete MyFamily configuration are not considered
eligible to run a directory authority.

[1] https://nusenu.github.io/OrNetStats/endtoend-correlation-groups

I just would like to remember that your list is not as useful as you think it is.

I have an exit for some time now which i intentionally don't list in my family because for reasons no one needs to know i don't want to be associated with it
(no i don't do traffic correlations attacks with it and i don't harm the network or its users in any way).

I think this is a very good reason to not use the MyFamily option and anyway some of the attacks teor pointed out can get mitigated when it's not visible that the operator is the same one.

Technically your list should list it but it doesn't because just changing the contact info and name is enough to not get recognized.

And when it's about trust i would rather trust someone who fails to include the (partially) useless and painful implemented MyFamily option then someone who builds a list which is easy to fool and not solving its purpose but annoying honest operators.

Just saying.

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