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Re: [tor-relays] tor fails on start-up after yum update

On 19/06/21, Eddie wrote:
> Running a CentOS 7.9 system, pulling tor updates from
> https://rpm.torproject.org/centos/$releasever/$basearch
> The last 2 times that tor has been yum updated, the restart of the service
> has just stopped, at exactly the same point:
> Starting the service then it starts correctly.  I also couldn't see anything
> out of the ordinary in the main system logs, other than it echoing the
> above.

Can you please remove all cache from `/var/lib/tor` and restart the
service? This solved the being stuck during start of the service for me
a few months back.
> Also, what is the correct setting for systemctl enable/disable
> tor/tor-master  (I don't have any tor@ services), because I get inconsistent
> results using tor-master.  Issuing "systemctl stop tor-master" will stop the
> accompanying tor instance, but "systemctl start tor-master" doesn't start
> it, but a "systemctl restart tor-master" does do a stop/start.  I haven't
> had time to experiment with what happens on a re-boot (yet).
Please do `rpm -ql tor` on the system and verify that the
following 3 files are there.


I have the `tor` service enabled on my CentOS 7 relay, installed from
the same repo.

Public Interest Technologist, Freedom of the Press Foundation
CPython Core Developer
Director, Python Software Foundation

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