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Re: [tor-relays] IPv6 ORPort autodetection on relays (Was: Re: Running 2 relays with [err] descriptor at 0x8a0acdb0830 begins with unexpected string "".)

Op 01/03/2019 om 10:20 schreef Roman Mamedov:

There are no globally designated "temporary" or "permanent" address ranges.
Temporary addresses are created by the OS in the same /64 subnet received
from the upstream router as other IPs. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4941
(There are the ULA and Link-local ranges, but those are unrelated to the
temporary/permanent question).

Both Windows and Linux mark those addresses as temporary, and it seems to be possible to detect the difference when listing available interfaces. I guess the same is true for other operating systems. This would probably have to be done in platform specific code, I don't think there is a generic way to deal with this. So it probably won't be trivial to get it right 100% of the time.
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