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Re: [tor-relays] Tor and missing IPv6

Marco Predicatori wrote:

I've recently upgraded to Tor Everything seems to work fine, but in the
notices_log file I have a lot of these lines:

[notice] Unable to find IPv6 address for ORPort 9001. You might want to specify
IPv6Only to it or set an explicit address or set Address.

I don't have IPv6, and any line mentioning IPv6 in the torrc file is commented.
Is there anythng I need to do in order to get rid of those notices, or can I
just let them be?

Thanks, Marco

Hi Marco,

Thanks for running a relay / bridge.

Please paste your entire torrc (without any sensitive data of course).
We have some slight misbehavior for the IPv6 auto discovery.

Along with the torrc please state if you have IPv6 of any kind to that box and if yes which kind (tunnel, native, etc.).

Also, you might use `ORPort 9001 IPv4Only` in torrc without any other modifications besides this and see if the error still occurs.

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