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Re: [tor-relays] Kitten1 and kitten2 compromised (guard/hs/fallback directory)

> I don't know any context or background but if you fear this could happen
> to you again, I recommend to use tor's OfflineMasterKey feature (without
> copying the master key to the server) with a short keylifetime (i.e. 7
> days), especially if it is a fallback dir
> (which requires a tor source code change to remove it).

Thanks for this feature, I don't know it !

> Could you also confirm the relay fingerprints (in addition to the
> nicknames)?

kitten1 86E78DD3720C78DA8673182EF96C54B162CD660C
kitten2 2EBD117806EE43C3CC885A8F1E4DC60F207E7D3E

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