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[tor-relays] lets stop using central big DNS resolvers (Google, Level3, OpenDNS, Quad9, Cloudflare)

Dear Exit Relay Operators,

I'd like to invite you to check your exit's DNS resolver by 
having a look at the following list of exits using resolvers
outside their AS (especially if it is Google, OpenDNS, Quad9 or Cloudflare).

You can search the list for you contactinfo, relay nickname or relay fingerprint (first 8 characters):


I extended the "DNS on Exit Relays" section in the Tor Relay Guide
to include specific instructions what is recommended for Tor exit operators with 
regards to DNS on exit relays.


If you found yourself on the list above and changed your DNS to a local (same host or same AS)
resolver or found a false-positive, please drop me an email (off-list is also ok).

The goal is to be bellow the following thresholds within one year:
- not have any single remoteAS entity control more than 10% exit capacity
- reduce the overall remoteAS share to bellow 20% exit capacity

the longer version of this can be found at:

thanks for helping with DNS decentralization on the tor network,

twitter: @nusenu_

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