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[tor-relays] Setting up tor relay

Dear all,
 I want to setup my machine as a tor relay. I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on a Intel i5 processor with 4 GB of memory.
I followed the instructions given on this link, but was getting some issue. In one of the later steps, it says "Verify that your relay works". This is done by checking my logfile(syslog) contains the following text: 
"Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor."
I checked the syslog by the command: 
$ cat /var/log/syslog

To bring it to your knowledge, I have followed all the previous steps mentioned on that link, and was successfully able to execute all the commands. I would request you to please help me out in setting up my machine as  a relay to make tor network faster and more usable.

Thank you,
Yash Kumar
tor-relays mailing list