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Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Tor diversity (was: Explain yourself Conrad Rockenhaus)

I want to run a relay on a root server (IPAX) with the following possible OS':
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Debian 9
Debian 8
CentOS 7
CentOS 6

Is it possible to install FreeBSD beside or which OS should I choose to run the relay with.


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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Am Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2019 12:10 schrieb René Ladan <r.c.ladan@xxxxxxxxx>:

Op do 2 mei 2019 09:43 schreef Tor Revolution <isupportthenewrevolution@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
You are probably trying to push hacked FreeBSD or that hacked HardenedBSD stuff that no one cares about anyway. If people cared about more FreeBSD on Tor they would do it but obviously it's not a big issue!!! 

Ignoring half-baked accusations against Conrad for now.

Having relays running something else than Ubuntu *is* an important issue. This does not have to be FreeBSD/HardenedBSD, it can also be OpenBSD/NetBSD, MacOS, or even Windows. The point is that if someone (say the NSA) discovers a bug in Ubuntu which they can use to take over relays, and 95% (or so) of the relays run Ubuntu, then they can take over Tor. If a significant part of the relays run something else, then those relays are safe for the exploit and consequently becomes harder for the NSA to take over Tor.

As for why 95% of the relays runs on Ubuntu, I guess it is legacy. At least https://support.torproject.org/#operators advertises multiple operating systems.

See also https://torbsd.github.io/

René (running "ymkeo" on FreeBSD for almost 5 years now)

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