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Re: [tor-relays] Again: abuse email for non-exit relay (masergy)

On 03.05.2020 23:36, ronqtorrelays@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I got a *bunch* (harassment-level) of telephone calls from my ISP
similar to this. They refused to do anything by email, and wouldn't
tell me anything more about the supposed port-scanning attacks. They
just kept asking me to "make sure Windows and my router firmware were
up to date." (No Windows, no router.) They kept saying that I was

Fortunately, the admins from my home ISP have a clue. They even mirror torproject.org and the CCC. http://debian.netcologne.de/ If something is missing, you just have to report and they will set it up.

guess is that some kindergartener in a sysadmin suit

lol This word comes from Germany. 'Kindergärtner'

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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