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Re: [tor-relays] relay monitoring

   How would I continuously monitor the incoming traffic to my relay,
   both what's supposed to be there and what isn't.
I’m don’t know, what do you mean by “supposed to be there and what isn’t”, but in general you can use nyx⁽¹⁾ to monitor your Tor node.

If that’s for some research and finer control is needed, Tor nodes expose a control socket, which is what nyx uses. Available either directly⁽²⁾ or through a Python library — Stem⁽³⁾. If conducting research, please respect users’ privacy. In particular see the “Expectations for Relay Operators” draft⁽⁴⁾.

Finally, all incoming connections arrive at the same port, so under Linux they are traceable using common tools: auditd, libcap/tcpdump/Wireshark, iproute2’s `ss` and so on.
 ¹ https://nyx.torproject.org/
 ² https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/control-spec.txt
 ³ https://stem.torproject.org/

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