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Re: [tor-relays] current HSDir flag requirements

On 2021-05-25 12:08:34, "John Csuti" <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I second this. We are in 2021 and a relay is considered fast if it is above 100KB/s...? I don’t think a later dialup service should be considered a fast relay.

100KB/s is about 800Kb/s (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-rate_units). I envy the dial up modems you had :)

I agree it is not fast, but is it "fast enough" for Tor's purpose? The Fast flag is (was?) also described as "the router is suitable for high-bandwidth circuits".
If I used Tor for high bandwidth stuff I'd hate to get a relay like that in my circuit. Especially if it also acts as a HSDir provider.

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