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[tor-relays] New OrNetStats Section: Largest Bridge Operators
OrNetStats got a new section today showing the largest bridge operators by advertised bandwidth
grouped by ContactInfo:
This is possible because the Torproject started to publish bridge ContactInfos.
The listing only includes operators with at least 50 Mbit/s aggregated advertised bandwidth.
AROI support for bridges
You can also protect your bridge ContactInfo against spoofing now.
The same fields as for relays apply. If you have setup your AROI [1] on your
relays already you can simply copy the ContactInfo to your bridges and publish
the list of hashed bridge fingerprints under this URL:
After successful validation your bridges will be added to your operator level pages on OrNetStats.
OrNetRadar will also be extended to support bridges.
kind regards,
[1] https://nusenu.github.io/OrNetStats/#authenticated-relay-operator-ids
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