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Re: [tor-relays] Updating tor issue

What they told you, maybe a bit harsh, is that you are using a very old Debian version that will soon be end of life and won't get updates anymore. apt-get upgrade doesn't upgrade to new releases, you have to do it "manually". Think like a Windows 7 to Windows 10 upgrade which also doesn't happen with the normal Windows updates. You can either upgrade from your current version Buster (10 )--> Bullseye (11) --> Bookworm (12) or just reinstall it with Bullseye and configure it again.


On 07.05.24 19:50, Keifer Bly wrote:
Right? Why comment if your just going to be such a jerk and not be helpful? 

I am just unable to figure why this would suddenly happen when the relay has been updating without issue and suddenly this happens, have been keeping Debian up to date using apt-get update so wondering what else needs to be done? Thanks.

On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 4:12 PM Micah Elizabeth Scott <beth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 5/6/24 3:19 PM, lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Did you even only read 2 sentences from the link?

Can we stop just accepting behavior like this on the tor community's
mailing lists?

Seriously, it makes us all look bad.

I'm sorry folks have to endure so much just to use a computer program
that's intended to be humane and helpful.

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