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Re: 100tb.com

Thus spake Moritz Bartl (moritz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx):

> After we got Softlayer to at least add a comment to our IP range,
> surprisingly most complaints went to us directly. So far, with the
> limited exit policy, Softlayer hasn't been bothered about us. It is a
> controversial topic if and why one should willingly limit the exit
> policy, but I don't feel too bad about the current set of allowed ports
> with our nodes. After all, we at Torservers don't want to help file
> sharers, and I feel HTTP(S)/XMPP traffic is more important than traffic
> on arbitrary ports.

Just as a heads up, I went through /etc/services as well as a few
wikipedia pages of ports listings and updated the port list to include
a lot of new ports about two months back (most notable are svn, git,
and mercurial):

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist
fscked.org evil labs

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