On Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 7:29 PM, Mario Costa <mario.costa@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Il giorno 21 nov 2019, alle ore 15:49, Matt Traudt <pastly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
Thanks for running a bridge.
Check Tor's logs to make sure it is actually running and doesn't report
issues. Search its hashed fingerprint on
https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html and make sure it is listed as up.
Verify you did *not* set 'PublishServerDescriptor 0'. Verify you can use
your bridge from outside your home. I once had a residential ISP that
blocked inbound port 80 but not 443.
This actually made me realize that my home router would not properly forward ports 80 and 443 from outside. I could
connect to my bridge from the LAN (even using my external IP) but not from outside. I had to change to a non-standard
port, unfortunately, because apparently 80 and 443 are used by the router’s web GUI even if I disabled external access
to it. That’s a shame because I understand that ports 80 and 443 are less likely to be blocked by censors.
However, it’s still not clear to me how I can confirm anyone is using the bridge.
In the nyx log you see messages like
'In the last X hours we have seen X unique clients' (I don't remember the exact wording)
Those are the clients that did use your bridge.
When I connect to it, all I see in nyx are OUTBOUND connections and not even one inbound connection (maybe that’s
by design in order to protect connecting users' privacy, I don’t know).
You are probably right.
In the past you could see connecting users in nyx as inbound connections without visible IP-address. Now they are not
displayed as inbound connections any more. The outbound connections that are needed for these users are still