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[tor-relays] serious gap in 'chroot' documentation

Newer versions of 'openssl' require access to


and so the line

   /proc/sys/kernel/random /chroot_tor/proc/sys/kernel/random auto bind 0 0

must be added to the


file or the command

   mount -o bind /proc/sys/kernel/random /chroot_tor/proc/sys/kernel/random

must be run from somewhere.  Keep in mind
that issuing the 'mount' more than once
causes nested overly mounts rather than
doing nothing, so the 'fstab' approach
is best.

Obviously the directories


must be created in the 'chroot' jail tree.


This problem will appear when 'tor' attempts
to roll-over it's key after several days.
Took significant effort of figure out
what happened as 'tor' dies without

It appears that if 'tor' fails in the middle
of a re-key operation, the node name and state
is lost entirely and the relay must rebuild
it's reputation from scratch with a new
name.  Quite vexing.

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