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Re: [tor-relays] how reliable is the advertised vs consumed bandwidth on tor metrics

On October 2, 2015 7:36:52 AM EDT, jensm1 <jensm1@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I just stumbled over this
(https://metrics.torproject.org/bandwidth-flags.html) graph at tor
metrics, which shows advertised exit bandwidth to be around 40Gbit/s and
consumed exit bandwidth around 20Gbit/s. This would mean that we have
about twice as much exit bandwidth than we need, which I strongly doubt.
So now I'm curious about what causes this disparity.


tor-relays mailing list

People who are not concerned about limiting their bandwidth usage will advertise a bandwidth higher than their system can use. The advertised bandwidth is more of a hint to the network than a concrete fact.

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