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Re: [tor-relays] relay lost most of its consensus weight

That's exactly what baffles me. I didn't make any changes to the relay configuration since updating to I've always had some fluctuations in the Advertised Bandwidth as reported by Atlas, but I assume these are from the BWAuth measurements?

The only thing on my end, that I could imagine, is that the VPS provider changed something in his configuration. But since I don't see any interruption of the servers uptime (neither in Tor, nor in Debian, nor in the VPS control panel), I assume this couldn't be anything drastic like moving the VM to a different host machine.

Am 14.09.2016 um 02:10 schrieb teor:

On 13 Sep 2016, at 23:30, jensm1 <jensm1@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I last restarted the relay five days ago (update to Can a restart really cause the consensus weight to drop several days later? If it drops within a few hours, I'd get that, but what would delay that response that much?
(Not complaining, just genuinely curious.)
I'm really not sure - any flag changes should have an impact within an hour.
Several days later is more likely to be bandwidth authority measurement - is your relay up and capable of transmitting as much traffic as it was before it was restarted?
Are its ports open to all other relays?
Can it open connections to other relays, regardless of their ports?
Did you make any other config changes at the same time?


Am 13.09.2016 um 10:37 schrieb teor:
On 13 Sep 2016, at 18:05, jensm1 <jensm1@xxxxxxx>


I just realised that my relay 'itwasntme' lost most of its consensus
weight yesterday morning. The relay is only three weeks old, but it was
finally picking up some traffic, which now is gone again.
What could be the cause for this? Is there a problem with my relay or

It looks like you just recently gained some consensus weight, then temporarily lost it after you restarted your relay.
We're working on improving the stability algorithm so these temporary downtimes don't affect relays as much.
But in any case, wait a week or two, and it will be back.
(If not, please let us know.)


Thanks for your help!


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