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Re: [tor-relays] Short Research Survey

TBH both of those things should be self evident to anyone who has run a tor node, which is a request to actually take the survey to begin with.

It's why tor exists, why people use it, and kind of the point.

It would kind of be like if I was invited to participate in a stock car race.... I have to have a stock car. I can't take my tricycle there. ;-)

Matt Westfall
President & CIO
ECAN Solutions, Inc.

On September 10, 2019 3:43:58 AM EDT, teor <teor@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


On 10 Sep 2019, at 14:35, Anon-research <anon-research@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Tor relay operators,

We are a team of researchers at MIT, and we would like to ask Tor relay operators to participate in a short and anonymous survey (no personal information or IP address collected).

If you want to make sure that people's IP addresses won't be collected, you should recommend that they complete the survey using Tor Browser. Otherwise, any host for any resources on qualtrics could collect IP addresses :-)

This study is focused on the importance of providing anonymity by volunteers in various contexts, and will take no more than 5-10 minutes to finish.

Please consider this recommendation for future studies, to provide anonymity to your survey volunteers.

You can learn more and take the survey at this link: https://mit.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6W3YXSCnqMVGPs1

Best of luck with your survey!


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