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Re: Couple more questions

Sorry I'm actually using the new version of GAIM which is Pidgin

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 11:55 AM, M <moeedsalam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I set it up through 8118 and it connected through TOR and Privoxy. Should i keep it this way or use SOCKS?

Any replies to my other questions?

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Sven Anderson <sven@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Am 21.08.2008 um 07:58 schrieb M:

Hey guys, a few more questions for the experts:

1) I noticed that the Tor-IM-Browser package uses GAIM, routed through SOCKS 5:9050. If I am using GAIM with TOR/Privoxy, should i set Gaim to use SOCKS 5:9050 or,  or HTTP and routing it through privoxy?

No, Privoxy is an HTTP-Proxy AFAIK. GAIM uses XMPP (Jabber) as protocol, so Privoxy can probably not handle it. But if GAIM is not a patched version, I fear that there are many possible information leaks. For example when triggering a file transfer, the real IP address might be disclosed.


http://sven.anderson.de    "Believe those who are seeking the truth.
tel:    +49-551-9969285     Doubt those who find it."
mobile: +49-179-4939223                                 (AndrĂ© Gide)