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[tor-talk] Vidalia 0.2.14 is out!

Hi everybody,

I'm happy to announce that Vidalia-0.2.14 is out, and yes 0.2.13 is too
(the changelog will clarify why two releases).

If you find any bugs or have ideas on how to improve Vidalia, please
remember to go to https://trac.torproject.org/ and file a ticket for it!

You can find the tarball for this release here:

Here's what's new:

0.2.14  26-Aug-2011
  o Make the AutoPort setting default to false, so that it doesn't
    break backwards compatibility for people that aren't using Vidalia
    inside Tor Browser Bundle.

0.2.13  10-Aug-2011
  o Add a way to bootstrap Tor's torrc file (copy the torrc to a given
    directory before Vidalia starts) so that packages such as
    Bridge-by-default portable bundles for OSX don't violate the directory
    structure of the operating system. Fixes bug 2821.
  o Add the proper CA Certificates so that the "Find Bridges" button works
    again. Fixes bug 2835.
  o Update the useful links help page. Fixes bug 2809.
  o Reintegrate Breakpad, and make it available in platforms other than
    Windows. Resolves bug 2105.
  o Fix bandwidth assigned to relays on the Network Map. A lot of relays are
    displaying an erroneous bandwidth and since they are ordered by that
    value in the Network Map, it leads to confusion. Vidalia now specifies
    the bandwidth as the minimum of the three possible values (burst,
    average and observed). Fixes bug 2744.
  o Fix layouts in the configuration panel to make them look seamlessly
    across all platforms.
  o Add -no-remote parameter to Firefox so it allows another instance of
    non-TBB Firefox. Fixes bug 2254.
  o Add the possibility of changing the torrc path while Tor hasn't
    started. Fixes bug 3109.
  o Make the fact that bridges don't need a DirPort setting more clear by
    removing the content of the field when disabling it. Fixes bug 3119.
  o Improve command line parameter handling. Resolves bug 2965.
  o Fix layout in BandwidthGraph to display labels correctly in every
    language. Fixes bug 2500.
  o Updates README.debs to reflect the change in the packaging now that
    Vidalia uses Git. Fixes bug 3668.
  o Add a way to use the autoconfiguration for ControlPort and SocksPort.
    Tor can now autoconfigure Control and Socks Ports when the default ones
    are in use. This makes it easier to run several different instances of
    TBB at the same time. Resolves bug 3077.
  o Provide the necessary fields (Control password, ControlPort) to let 
    TorButton NEWNYM. Vidalia provides these in env vars when it launches
    the Firefox instance. Resolves bug 2659.

Tomas Touceda

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