Hi! As I've gotten annoyed with Vidalia lately (which silently strips away several options I've manually added to TORRC, this behaviour has been noted in their bug-reporting system but, atleast currently, it's not been fixed) then I wondered if anyone can provide a working way to send SIGHUP (and possibly also SIGTERM) to Tor (which is running as a service) on Windows (specifically W2K) platform? I've tried CygWin's KILL, but this fails with "couldn't open pid 708" message (708 being the Windows PID that 'ps -W' outputs). Tested the VBS script that was posted to the list some time ago, but that fails authentication (I've set up a password for Tor, perhaps if the script could be modified to send also the hash then it'd work?). Any help would be appreciated. ___________________________________________________________ Sent by ePrompter, the premier email notification software. Free download at http://www.ePrompter.com. |