Hi Timo, On Jun 18, 2009, at 8:00 AM, Timo Schoeler wrote:
Hi, IMHO it's not the problem of 'how TOR works' or the (unquestionable) benefits it provides, it's more the problem of the 'image' of the ISP that hosts (customer's) exit nodes and therefore might have problems with the local law (copyright infringements, etc).
The first step really is understanding how Tor works (for example, that there is a difference between exit and non-exit nodes). But "how Tor works" doesn't stop at explaining the technical aspects, it's also about the community, the people who depend on it, and the role of the ISP.
Especially the censorship^Wchild porn filtering discussion in Germany forces this topic being discussed, as claiming an exit node having provided access to forbidden content is the 'A-bomb of getting a host down' -- even if it didn't something forbidden.
Being a part of that decision and clearly showing where you stand is better than passively watching.
Best, Timo
Best Sebastian