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Re: [tor-talk] Any updates from Tor Project on ioerror?

On 2016-06-05 22:06, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
On Jun 5, 2016 10:28 PM, <notfriendly@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It looks like our sender just compromised their anonymity (or at least
finally switched to a psudonym). "Hi. Iâm Nick Farr" (sent from the same address that sent the http://jacobappelbaum.net/ link). We now have more information on who sent out the original message. I just thought I'd point
it out.

Not exactly, my dear. It was just a transcription of an article written and published by Nick in Medium platform. The message you mentioned was
not sent by Nick Farr.

Take care, my dear.

Oh OK, sorry for making that assumption.
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