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Re: [tor-talk] [OT] rewriting a text

On 18.05.2013 17:55, Zebro kojos wrote:
I have indeed heard of folks using e.g. google translate to let it do a
translation from [original lang] -> [some other lang] and back to ->
[original lang]. No sources though - would be interesting to try and let
the Anonymouth or any other tools identify authorship of such pieces of
text (input excerpts of original texts authored by multiple people ->
double-google-translate one of them -> see if it is identifiable still by
any of those tools.)

I just took the paragraph from above. I put it through google translate from English to Croatian. Copy and Paste from the right panel to the left panel and back to English. The result is the same. Insignifiant differences. See below. Or I don't know. I was expecting a more dramatic change. And it loses readability. Add to that the fact that google would store for an indefinite time all these versions.

I've heard people use eg Google translate to let him do it
translation [original lang] -> [other lang] and back ->
[original lang]. But sources - although it would be interesting to try and let
Anonymouth or any other tools the authorship of such pieces
Text (input excerpts from original texts issued by more people ->
double-google-translate one of them -> see if it was still detectable by
any of these tools.)
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