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Re: Reduce hops when privacy level allows to save Tor network bandwidth

On 11/18/2009 4:17 AM, Jim wrote:
> Google was actually the motivating factor in causing me to get serious
> about overcoming whatever problem I had when I first tried to use Tor.
> Although my concern at the time was more the ubiquity of
> google-analytics.  But still concerned about using their search engine.
>  My problem was that (for quite a while now), when I try to do a search
> on Google via Tor, more often than not Google calls me a virus and tells
> me to go away ("unusual network activity" or some such).  My solution
> has been to connect to Scroogle via Tor.  I am not nearly as anti-Google
> as the guy (people?) who run Scroogle and I don't mind the unobtrusive
> right column adds on Google search results.  Its just my (usual)
> inability to use Google directly w/o dropping anonymity.

There's another relatively easy solution to the Analytics part - surf
with a plugin like Firefox's NoScript installed, and forbid
google-analytics.com from ever running scripts.  Boom, no more
analytics, I believe NoScript won't even allow Firefox to fetch the code
from the URL, so they don't even get the hit (note: I haven't actually
confirmed that part explicitly).  Plus you get a ton of other safety
benefits from browsing the web with scripting off by default, and the
various other nasty things like clickjacking and XSS that NoScript
attempts to block.

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