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Re: Vidalia - Country Locations on Tor network map all missing

Geoff Down wrote:
On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 12:28 +0000, "Anon Mus"
<my.green.lantern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Using vidalia 0.2.7, Tor (Qt 4.5.3)

I am not seeing any location in the left box (or anywhere else) against Tor relays, just a ? in a white box.
Is anyone else seeing this?

I asked this on the 8th :)

Ohh dear, this new version of Vidalia does not work with Windows 2k.

It comes up with the error "The procedure entry point freeaddrinfo could not be located in ws2_32.dll"
The problem is seen in win2k not win xp or later...


uhhhh..any ideas ?? coz I like my old win2k, even though I have a win xp lying around somewhere.
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