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Re: [tor-talk] More and more websites block Tor, which will eventually become useless!

On 11/10/2013 4:53 PM, Akater wrote:
And, criminals do use Tor, at times.
Criminals do use guns at times. Does it mean gov't can harrass you if
you own one, too?
They can & do harass anyone, for anything, that they want to. They know how far they can take it (sometimes, that's PRETTY far). Unless it was ongoing and / or EXTREME, I've never heard of an LEA suffering any consequence for harassing people. Yes, maybe an individual agent /officer that crossed some line get reprimanded, but not an agency pursuing "leads & hunches."
 If they suspect  a gun's connected to a crime (sometimes, even a gut 
feeling) , in ANY shape, form or fashion - you'd better  BET your sweet 
A** they'll "harass" you.
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