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Re: [tor-talk] introducing ahmia search

Thank you for your reply Mike!

Am I right in thinking that the way this search engine works is that
the entire index is sent to the browser initially, and then the
browser locally searches that index? If so, that's a pretty neat way
of protecting peoples searches. Obviously, it wont scale, but you know
that already.

Yes you are correct. Search is done with JavaScript (client side) and the entire index is sent to the browser initially. There will be no search logs.

It feels like you're doing the search in the main thread as I type
into the search field, as it's blocking the user interface a lot. I
suggest you use javascript web workers for this purpose so you can
background the searching task onto a new thread. Or just get rid of
the whole "search as I type" thing. Gimmicks are fine, unless they
actually make the user experience worse.

JavaScript search is now faster and does not block the user interface. This is done now by waiting 1000ms from the very last keyup event before laughing the search. Since the web worker cannot access the DOM we decided to implement that this way for now. At least it works now better.

Please provide https. At the moment, the search engine can be
trivially MITM'd and script inserted to log searches. Also, please
rethink your decision to let Google execute arbitrary code on your pages.

HTTPS it is now (https://ahmia.fi/)! Furthermore, we have removed all Google's code and every resource is now downloaded from ahmia.fi - even those twitter news.

Thank you very much for your answer! We are always ready to do these kind of improvements to our site.

-ahmia, ahmia(at)tormail.org.remove.this-
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