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Mike's patch to Rob's patch

Hi, everyone.

I've done some work on the code, and I think I'm about ready to share it around. Most of what I've done is in the field AI. I made some pretty major changes, but most of them were on Rob's todo list. 

Anyway, let me know how I should make the code available.

- Mike

Here's a list of what I've done and what I think still needs work:


   * rocks don't slow weapons down anymore
   * changed rock icons. I found the light-colored rocks confusing- they
	looked more solid than the dark rocks. Now the rocks change shape
	slightly and passable rocks are broken in pieces. This is a bit of
	a hack because all rocks have the same bitmask for collision tests. 
	If you don't like the rock shapes idea, I could get rid of it.
	Maybe the rocks could get a "transparent" look as they fade. 
   * made animated power points flicker more subtly
   * got rid of archon_theme.c (Rob's compiled-in xpms)
   * big changes to field AI:
	slowed down reaction time at low difficulty using Ronen's algorithm
	Creatures always move relative to some target (the enemy or its weapon).
	   Movement is calculated on two axes: chase/flee and dodge/shoot
	   All directions are scored based on how they compare with the axes
	   The highest-scoring unblocked movement is chosen


   * I hacked up computer_field_hit_obstacle a bit. I think it could use
	a ground-up rewrite, but it seems to be working at least.
   * Sometimes the game crashes with the message:
	"iface_frame(): reply is too short." 
	It seems to be during the computer player's board turn. 
	Needs looking into.
   * Sometimes weapons seem off-center. The computer misses a lot as a result.
	  valkyrie spear is off to the left when firing up/down. 
	  Unicorn bolt is off to the left when firing down_left.
   * Bring back Ronen's square-based movement as an option.
   * Animate all archon-theme sprites. I think only the elementals are 
	animated now. Some actors, like knight and goblin, need their
	firing states fixed so they don't show two weapons at once.
   * Adept game. I don't know very much about Adept, so this is a low
	priority for me.


   * field rock collisions are annoying. You can get stuck on rocks, and it's
	hard to walk by them since they stop you even on a diagonal.
	here are some ideas: 
	  rocks push you away from their center instead of stopping you.
	  If you hit a rock, your direction changes by 45 degrees.
   * if rocks have different shapes, they should have different bitmasks. 
	Draw rocks on top of floor instead of replacing floor?
   * if you don't have a movement key down and you hit fire, should you
	fire in the direction you're facing? I know this is different
	from the original, but I think it would make the game more playable.
   * The original game had 2 kinds of obstacles. I assumed the second kind
	were trees or hedges. I think their cycle was twice as fast as the
	rocks. Should we add them?
   * support different-size icons. Cloud weapons should be single large 
	sprites, not tiles.
   * hand weapons- overlap with monster sprites a little so it looks like
	they're actually holding them?