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Re: intro

Mike Ciul wrote:
} I got different results in my weapon speed tests for the Wizard and Fire
} Elemental. I think they are both the same speed as the Djinni, a little bit
} slower than the Sorceress. (40 vs 48 pixels by your table)

Hmm, ok, I might check that on my machine at home, then.  If I recall what
I did (says he, quickly looking back at his raw data), I moved each
creature to the top of the board, and then fired down and counted the
number of frames the bullet remained on the screen.  That gave me 5
different categories (6, 7, 8, 10 and 13) of bullet speeds, and I then used
screen shots or ^Z or something to measure the pixel distance each of those
categories actually travelled per frame.

Hey!  In looking at my raw data to work out what I'd done, I see you're
right, I stuffed up in making my summary!  The bullets from the Wizard and
Fire Elemental took 8 frames to get down the screen (same as the Djinni),
and the sorceress took 7 - that should translate to a Wizard and Fire
Elemental (and Djinni) bullet speed of 40, and a Sorceress bullet speed of
48 *thwaps head*

} Thanks for all that painstaking research!

I have this thesis I'm avoiding, see... :)

Ok - If people are feeling keen, here's my actual raw data, in pixels and
frame counts... hopefully, it's comprehensible.  The revised summary is at
the end; I've gone through all the other bullet speeds, and the raw data
and the old summary agreed.  Looks like I only stuffed up the Wizard and
the Fire Elemental.

Health and damage

white square:	health			damage inflicted on other creature
    archer	290 - 194		258 - 218
    goblin	234 - 194		290 - 250
    djinn	370 - 194
    basilisk	242 - 194		370 - 298, 290 - 218
    knight	290 - 194
    dragon	330 - 194		290 - 202
    phoenix	346 - 194
    sorceress	274 - 194		346 - 282
    unicorn	322 - 194		330 - 274, 274 - 218
    valkyrie	314 - 194		258 - 202
    wizard	330 - 194
    banshee	258 - 194
    manticore	258 - 194
black square:
    djinn	314 - 194		314 - 266
    manticore	314 - 194		266 - 234
    basilisk	298 - 194
    golem	314 - 194		298 - 218
    dragon	386 - 194
    knight	234 - 194		362 - 322
    troll	362 - 194		314 - 234
    unicorn	266 - 194
    wizard	274 - 194		362 - 282
    air		290 - 194		266 - 226
    earth	330 - 194		362 - 290
    fire	274 - 194		362 - 290
    water	306 - 194		370 - 322

    black	290 - 194
    dark	282 - 194
    dim		266 - 194
    faint	258 - 194
    light	242 - 194
    white	234 - 194

damaged shapeshifter, light square, vs knight: 242 - 194


white square:	health		damage
    archer	12		5
    goblin	5		5
    djinn	22
    basilisk	6		9
    knight	12
    dragon	17		11
    phoenix	19
    sorceress	10		8
    unicorn	16		7
    valkyrie	15		7
    wizard	17
    banshee	8
    manticore	8
black square:
    djinn	15		6
    manticore	15		4
    basilisk	13
    golem	15		10
    dragon	24
    knight	5		5
    troll	21		10
    unicorn	9
    wizard	10		10
    air		12		5
    earth	17		9
    fire	10		9
    water	14		6

    black	12
    dark	11
    dim		9
    faint	8
    light	6
    white	5

damaged shapeshifter, light square, vs knight: 6
	=> shapeshifter heals 100% between fights

bullet speeds & reload times

		across		down		lasts		reload
unicorn		5		6		-		15
golem		11		13		-		25
archer		9		10		-		20
knight		-		-		4		10
phoenix		-		-		2/2/2/2/2	25
wizard		7		8		-		20
djinni		7		8		-		23
valkyrie	11		13		-		20

basilisk	5		6		-		15
troll		11		13		-		25
manticore	11		13		-		20
goblin		-		-		4		10
banshee		-		-		10		25
sorceress	6		7		-		20
dragon		9		10		-		30
shapeshifter	-		-		-		-

air				10		-		18
earth				13		-		25
fire				8		-		15
water				13		-		25

down					pixels	(*2)
6		235 -> 207		28	56
7		272 -> 248		24	48
8		282 -> 262		20	40
10		290 -> 274		16	32
13		275 -> 263		12	24

5		439 -> 495		56
11		367 -> 343		24

20 consecutive shots by the dragon takes 47.95 seconds (2nd trial: 47.91
seconds).  Call it 48 :)
20 shots * 30 frames reload time = 48 seconds
	=> 1 frame = 0.08 seconds, or 12.5 frames/second

field width: 181 -> 485
field height: 370 -> 194

phoenix attack

    before:	290
    after:	258

    4 points of damage done in two hits, each doing 2

    Hits happen on frame 5 and 10

banshee attack

    before:	370
    after:	354

    2 points of damage done in two hits, each doing 1

    Hits happen on frame 5 and 10

Hmm - the Atari version has the phoenix doing 10 points of damage done in 5
hits, each doing 2.  Explosion lasts for 10 frames, a hit every 2 frames.
The banshee does somewhere between 7 and 8 points of damage, one hit every
2 frames for, say, 15 frames.

Movement speed

		start		finish		distance	ratio
golem		563		395		168		0.764
basilisk	559		339		220

troll		561		369		192		0.75
unicorn		561		305		256

Everything else moves at the same speed, apart from Earth Elemental, which
moves at the same speed as Golem.

10 horz frames
unicorn		525		427		98
		533		453		80
		425		345		80
		409		329		80


	creature	health	speed	bullet speed	damage	reload
	wizard		10	8		40	10	20
	djinn		15	8		40	6	23
	phoenix		12	8	(lasts 10)	2/2	25
	unicorn		9	8		56	7	15
	golem		15	6		24	10	20
	valkyrie	8	8		24	7	20
	archer		5	8		32	5	20
	knight		5	8	(lasts 4)	5	10
	sorceress	10	8		48	8	20
	dragon		17	8		32	11	30
	shapeshifter	var.	var.		var.	var.	var.
	basilisk	6	8		56	9	15
	troll		14	6		24	10	20
	banshee		8	8	(lasts 15)	1/2	25
	manticore	8	8		24	4	20
	goblin		5	8	(lasts 4)	5	10
	fire		10	8		40	9	15
	water		14	8		24	6	25
	air		12	8		32	5	18
	earth		17	6		24	9	25

Field is 304x176 pixels, and there are 12.5 frames/second.
All speeds in horizontal pixels/frame.  Speeds are halved in the vertical
All times in frames.
Melee and cloud attacks show the duration for which the attack lasts, in
	place of the bullet speed.
Damage from phoenix & banshee in (points/n frames)

Effect of square luminance on health
    square is	piece is white	black
    black		+0	+7
    dark		+1	+6
    dim			+3	+4
    faint		+4	+3
    light		+6	+1
    white		+7	+0

							Have fun,
							 Rob R.