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the cursor movement bug

Hi everyone,

If you've happened to check out the CVS source lately, you may notice
that xarchon is broken: the cursor moves crazily over the board when
you press movement keys or move the mouse.

I thought originally that I'd just made a typo somewhere in my recent
changes that caused this problem, but I think it may go deeper.

My current guess is that it has to do with player configs. I think the
config data for the human player is filled with garbage. It's acting
like mouse control is on even when it isn't, and it's not interpreting
mouse data correctly; sometimes it treats it like absolute mouse
control, sometimes it treats it like relative mouse control.

I've been looking at it all day (after several weeks away from the
computer; I moved house recently) and I can't figure out where the
problem is.

If you think you could help, could you please check out the latest
source and have a look? I'd be glad to answer questions about it, and
I'll do whatever I can to help you get going if you don't have a cvs
account yet.

Thanks so much!

- Mike
Don't try to put out a fire by throwing on more fire! Don't wash a
wound with blood!
		  - Rumi