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Re: Version 0.40 released

Hi there,

    I found a few oddities.  First, I had a shoot pass through an enemy
w/o hurting him.  (djinni firing at a manticore.)  Second, I had a fight
oddity.  I go into detail.

  I played a game through.  I start a second one.  Before my first move, I
went to the menu to disable sound.  I unpaused the game.  A couple of
moves into the game (maybe the first) the computer moved (or maybe
teleport) it's dragon to attack a knight.  There was no fight.  The dragon
just got the square.

   Third, I love the phoenix now, but I hate the banshees.  I think they
may be a little too deadly now (relative to the original).  It's a neat
twist though.


On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Ronen Tzur wrote:

> Yay!