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Re: text editors
at last a contribution I can make, being unable to program c (yet) :)
You can have a look at the current indention settings by hitting
C-h v c-offsets-alist
(describe-variable c-offsets-alist)
single values can be set via the elist statement in your .emacs file:
(c-set-offset 'name value)
eg: (c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0)
To find out witch values to set, move the point to the line you want to
have indented and hit C-c C-o
You might also want to have a look at the value of the variable
c-basic-offset and indent-tabs-mod (switches between using tabs or spaces
for indention).
Here is a portion of my .emacs file, where I define a couple of functions
to get called when I switch to php mode:
(defun vinai-indent-setup () ;; just a name
(setq c-basic-offset 4) ;; basic offset 4 spaces
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil) ;; use spaces for indention
(c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0) ;; I like hanging braces like this
(c-set-offset 'statement-cont 0)) ;; the same for braces after else
;; add to php-mode hook
(add-hook 'php-mode-user-hook 'vinai-indent-setup)
Also, you might want to try out M-x customize, where you can set a lot lot
of values.
--On Mittwoch, Oktober 24, 2001 23:55:41 -0400 Mike Ciul
<mike@eyeballsun.org> wrote:
> What text editors do y'all use?
> Not that I mean to start a flame war, or anything, but I have a question
> about emacs.
> When I use emacs, it indents everything for me. I like that, but it
> doesn't indent things the same way that they were before- this makes cvs
> diffs really ugly because every line that got re-indented is different.
> Can anyone tell me how to set indenting so that my changes will match
> other people's files? Maybe someone already has some emacs settings for
> Xarchon they can just post here...
> Thanks!
> - Mike
> --
> http://www.eyeballsun.org/