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Re: [f-cpu] Code hosting

Le 2015-04-19 04:00, Nikolay Dimitrov a ÃcritÂ:
Hi guys,

Good evening everybody :-)

As promised, here's a short update from me:

1. We now have own Git server at http://code.f-cpu.org. As of this week
this is the preferred place for all F-CPU-related sub-projects. I'm
really happy about this step, as it will give us several nice things:
the ability to collaborate much easier/faster (no more tarballs, code
updates are close to instant), and will provide a good transparency as
expected for an open-source project.

in short, it "feels modern" ;-)

2. We have already 2 tiny projects hosted there: f-cpu-logo maintained
by Yann, and f-cpu-manual which is still orphan and I'm hoping that
someone with Cedric's knowledge and experience will adopt it. If you
want to submit patches for these projects, send the patch to the ML and
please put a prefix with the project name in the suject, something like
[f-cpu-manual][PATCH] isa: Add a new cool opcode

I recommend sending patches only for critical things, clarity or maintainance.
This manual will be superseded later.
The design discussions should happen on the list and be submitted to the wiki at

Oh yes, the wiki works by the way ;-)

The wiki will gather all the notes, updates etc.
before being turned into documentation and code.

3. It took a while, but Yann has now commit access to the machine,
f34r !!! :-D

so probably some day he'll stop writing changelogs in the source files and
start writing git commit messages :D.
I'm only preparing already for the time when git will be obsolete ;-)

In my experience, meta-informations are easily lost or altered
so I keep as much inside the files. I can still read files from 15 years ago ;-)

4. It's highly probable that sooner or later we'll have to create more
sub-projects on this machine. If you have ideas about some specific
F-CPU development, please don't hesitate to share them on the mailing
list, you will be surprised to find like-minded people. If you're brave
enough and want to implement these ideas and you need a sub-project,
drop me an email about it.

The catch is that an idea is not enough, it should come with a commitment
to develop and maintain it.

Things are looking good on the HW side, see
and I discuss with an old F-CPUer about better suited implementations.

The software side however has a gaping blind spot and it's the compiler.
I'll need to discuss a lot with LLVM experts because F-CPU uses
pretty unusual coding techniques that baffled the GCC porter.

Happy hacking!
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