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[f-cpu] ongoing work

hi !

i'm wroking since last tuesday on a C simulator
of the FC0 pipeline. supported instructions are
loadcons, loadconsx, move, logic and logici.
i'm currently putting the scheduler together,
that is : the hardest part.
I called this side of the project the QDCPOC :
Quick and Dirty Proof Of Concept. it is a quickly
written thing that does not comply with all the
common standards, for examples a lot of constant
values are given by value, not by name etc...

The next phase will be a complete rewrite.
This requires a library for handling 
arbitrary precision arithmetics and logics.
I can only do 64-bit F-CPU at the moment
and extending the model will be difficult
without the complete rewrite. If someone
can start writing this library, it will ease
our work.

I have to start making my own assembler
because i want to test the existing features
in my QDCPOC with real binaries. I'll hack that
today with the help of what i had already written
(a few years ago) and what others have done.

WHYGEE (who is not dead, as you see)
PS: it's a shame that the who'swho database
doesn't work yet, Lionel :-P
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