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Re: [f-cpu] New SHL EU

On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 11:59:00PM +0200, I wrote:
> The shifter now supports both `semi' and `full' SIMD operations -- that
> is, `chunk(a) op b' *and* `chunk(a) op chunk(b)'. I also hope that I
> got the bitrev instruction right this time. It should perform the
> function `y = rotate_right(bit_reverse(a), chunksize-b-1)'; but one
> never knows.

... as I said: one never knows.  Of course the function is

	y = shift_right(bit_reverse(a, chunksize), chunksize-b-1)

Instructions summarized (pseudo-C):

	// In bitwise operations, B is always modulo the chunk size.
	// That means:
	//     0 <= B < chunksize
	// But also:
	//     0 < B + 1 <= chunksize
	//     0 < chunksize - B <= chunksize
	//     0 <= chunksize - B - 1 < chunksize
	// You've been warned.

	// In `full-SIMD' mode, B comes from the appropriate chunk.
	// In `semi-SIMD' mode, B is taken from chunk 0 (zero).
	// Immediate mode is *always* `semi-SIMD', but that's probably
	// handled elsewhere (also for addi/subi/muli and so on).

		// regular output:
		Y = A << B;
		// alternate output ("leftovers"):
		// use this for a `double-width' shift
		Y2 = A >> (chunksize - B);

		// regular output:
		// `shiftra' will duplicate the MSB (signed shift)
		// `shiftr' zero-fills (unsigned shift)
		Y = A >> B;
		// alternate output ("leftovers"):
		// use this for a `double-width' shift
		Y2 = A << (chunksize - B);

		// regular output:
		Y = bit_reverse(A, chunksize) >> (chunksize - B - 1);
		// alternate output ("leftovers"):
		// use this for a `double-width' bitrev
		Y2 = bit_reverse(A, chunksize) << (B + 1);
		// Notes:
		// - the SIMD operation `sbitrev' is not yet documented.
		// - the documented `bitrevo' instruction is not supported.

The 2r2w `double-width' shifts need to be documented, assigned opcodes,
mode flags and so on. Did we already choose a name for them, BTW?
I suggest `(s)dshiftXY' and `(s)dbitrev' (although there's probably not
much use for the latter).

		// regular output:
		Y = (A << B) | (A >> (chunksize - B));
		// alternate output is currently unused

		// regular output:
		Y = (A >> B) | (A << (chunksize - B));
		// alternate output is currently unused

If you can find any use for the second output port in the rotl/rotr
modes, tell me.  Note that it is impossible to perform both rotl and
rotr at the same time, however.

	// In bytewise operations, there is no `semi-SIMD' mode.
	// There is no `shift count', either :)

		// regular output:
		Y = byterev(A, chunksize);
		// alternate output (second channel):
		Y2 = byterev(B, chunksize);

		// regular output:
		Y = sdup(A, chunksize);
		// alternate output (second channel):
		Y2 = sdup(B, chunksize);

		// regular output:
		Y = mixl(A, B, chunksize);
		// alternate output:
		Y2 = mixh(A, B, chunksize);

		// regular output:
		Y = expandl(A, B, chunksize);
		// alternate output:
		Y2 = expandh(A, B, chunksize);

It's not yet clear which source operand is which in the mix and expand
instructions. But I can change that easily.

I could also tear mixl/mixh and expandl/expandh apart and make them
separate instructions, and at the same time restrict byterev and sdup
to one channel. That would save some space, but I like it better this way.
We should also add 2r2w `mix' and `expand' instructions (but keep the
2r1w versions).

The `widen' (integer sign/zero extension) instruction is still missing.
I'm not sure whether it was such a good idea.

Ok, that's it for now.
Have fun,
 Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
 "All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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